
Oct 29

Rosary Test tomorrow! FAQ based on email that I have received:

Does my kid need to know all the mysteries?
Yes, they need to know all 20 mysteries.

Is there an easy way to memorize them?
The mysteries are based on Mary and Jesus' lives. If you do it in this order: Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, Glorious, they will make sense. Also, just use the main idea and paraphrase if needed-- for example, Crowning of Mary, or Baptism of Jesus works just as well.

Does spelling count?
Spelling does not count, as long as I can read it.

POPCORN is back! 50 cents a bag.

Thursday is a non-uniform day! The mission team from Holy Cross will be visiting to talk about their Mission Trip. To support their cause, wear Filipino flag colours (yellow, white, red and blue) and bring a $1.00 for donation.

Friday is also non-uniform! Dress like a Holy person day! Students who are not is costume will have to wear their uniform.

Friday is also FOOD BANK MASS. Our class is in charge of the Mass on Friday. If your child does not have a part in this Mass, please rest assured that they will have a part in subsequent Masses. They will have their turn.

1. Rd 15 minutes
2. Study for Rosary test!
3. Math w/s
4. Feelings paragraph rough draft

BRING an old shirt tomorrow! We are painting pumpkins!


Oct 28

Welcome back! Hopefully the three day weekend was restful! The weather sure was gorgeous!

All Saints Day:
Friday is our annual dress up like a Saint day. We encourage students to dress up like their patron saint or favourite Saint. Bathrobes, bedsheets, big t-shirts and sandals sure go a long way in dressing up like Saints! I am also asking for three bakers to make cupcakes for our class for Friday. If you are able to make a dozen cupcakes for us (we have 31 students), please email me and let me know! THANK YOU!

This week, we will try to have all the assessments and tests by Thursday so that those that wish to go out trick or treating on Thursday night, do not have to worry about homework. Spelling activities (Unit 8--Write the Words and Word Power only!) are due Thursday.

1. Rosary Test is on WEDNESDAY
2. October Bock Challenge is DUE THURSDAY

1. RD for 15 mins
2. Parts of-- good copy
3. Math w/s
4. SP 8-- WTW & WP due TH
5. sign math test and spelling test


Oct 24

We are at the end of OCTOBER!!! WOW!!! I can't believe it. I know I say that every month but as I get older (ahem!) it feels like the months zip by faster and faster!

NO SCHOOL tomorrow!

Reminders for next week:
Wednesday: Rosary Quiz
Thursday: Book Challenge due
Friday:  ALL SAINTS CELEBRATION-- Dress Up as a Saint

Trick or Treat or Food to Eat: We are once again encouraging students to collect food donations while they go trick or treating. Next week, students will be given cards to hand out while they go trick or treating that explains that we are collecting food for the SURREY FOOD BANK. All food donations can be brought in on FRIDAY, NOV. 1

Agape Candy: We are also collecting candy for the Agape Street Ministry. Please send those donations to school on Friday as well.


Spelling will be due THURSDAY and test will be THURSDAY
so that you don't have to study on Thursday night.

Unit 8
1.        may
2.        stay
3.        also
4.        Sunday
5.        fall
6.        week
7.        Saturday
8.        cave
9.        holiday
10.        small
11.        always
12.        almost
13.        railway
14.        highway
15.        passengers
16.        dangerous
17.        radio
18.        washed
19.        bought
20.        those
21.        wrote
22.        bring
23.        brought
24.        laugh
25.        talk
Bonus: Catholic
Write the Words: p. 36 #1-4
Word Power: p. 37 #2-4


Oct 23


1. Rd for 15 minutes
2. Sp. Unit 7 activities due tom.
3. Parts of... rough copy

Congratulations to Ezra & Alie for winning a prize for their "Lego" wear today.

Congratulations to Mitchell for winning a draw for a big Lego set for the walk-a-thon!



Oct 21

Short weeks seem longer than regular weeks because it is so busy! Just some reminders to help us out this week:

*Please send interims back to school signed. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me!

*The school surpassed our goal of $18,000!!!! We raised over $20, 000!!! As a treat for the whole school, WEDNESDAY is a NON-UNIFORM day :) Yipee!!!

*No school-- Friday due to pro-d.

*Rosary Test-- next Wed, Oct 30

*15 Book Challenge due Oct 31st.

1. Rd for 15 mins
2. Spelling Unit 7-- due TH
3. My Goals g.c
4. Math w/s (rounding)


October 18

Happy Friday! Just a reminder that we are more than half way through the month and we have a 15 Book Challenge due on Oct 31. If you need more info about it or have lost your sheet, the link is on the side bar. There are two spots for Chapter Books, but the rest of them can be as simple as a picture book (age appropriate, of course).

A big THANK YOU to Mitchell's family who donated small pumpkins to our class. If you are still looking for your Halloween pumpkins or great produce, visit them at Rondriso Farm!

Spelling for next week is as follows and will be due THURSDAY, OCT 24. The test will also be on Thursday as we don't have school on Friday.

Unit 7
1.   feet
2.   looks
3.   asleep
4.   books
5.   queen
6.   teeth
7.   first
8.   games
9.   street
10.   every
11.   ago
12.   about
13.   steering
14.   weekend
15.   screech
16.   hook
17.   hood
18.   needle
19.   agree
20.   sneeze
21.   fee
22.   knew
23.   these
24.   write
25.   know
Bonus: Thanksgiving
Write the Words: p.31 #1-4
Word Power: p.32 #1-4
Challenges: p.33 #1-3, 6,9


October 17

Please excuse the lack of activity on the blog this week, as I was away on Tuesday. Today is INTERIM DAY. Your child has an envelope containing an interim from me and a self reflection that they filled out. Please take the time to discuss this with them and create a goal or a plan for the remainder of the term. First term report cards are out at the end of November.

1. Rd 15 minutes
2. Spelling activities due tom.
3. Rel w/s-- Hail Mary
4. I believe good copy
5. Math w/s-- rounding


-- Walk-a-thon pledges (money) due tomorrow.
-- Rosary test is Oct 30. (A pink study sheet came home today. We have been discussing the rosary for two weeks now, so they should be comfortable with it. Please review the mysteries with them. )
-- NO SCHOOL on FRI, OCT 25 due to provincial professional development. 


Oct 10

Thanksgiving to me always signals the beginning of holiday season. I know, I know, Christmas is still a long ways off, but the family gatherings and eating the turkey reminds me of the blessings we have received this year and the fun times ahead! I wish you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. I hope that you all have a great time together.Cherish it... soon we will be taking out the tree!

Walk-a-thon tomorrow! It is a uniform day. Students are allowed to wear their uniform OR gym strip. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for walking outdoors. Thank you to all the parent volunteers. We will be going to Mass at 9am and then walking afterwards. We should be back in plenty of time for Hot Lunch.

No homework tonight and for the weekend...unless your child is missing assignments... they know who they are!

Spelling next week is a  review week. All activities due on Friday, Oct 18.

Unit 6 Exercises:
Looking Back p. 26-27 #2,3,5
Grammar Games p. 29a  #1,2
Dictionary Games p. 29b #1



Oct 9

1. RD for 15 minutes
2. Unit 5 CH-- #1,2,5,6
3. Math w/s
4. Current Events questions

Spelling Test tom.
Marina sheets due tom.

Uniform “Free-cycle”
Parents, various uniform pieces will be available on Friday, Oct 11 at the school. There is no fixed price. These items have been donated. If you would like to take a piece that you need, take one. You may leave a donation if you wish. If you have gently used pieces you want to donate, please leave them with Mrs. Fonseca. Gently used school shoes and gym shoes are also welcome. THANK YOU!


Oct 8

Students have been asking about the prizes for walk-a-thon and they are as follows:

-- for every $20, they get a ticket for a draw to win a large Lego set
-- $40 and above, they get a Lego mini figure (limit one per student)
-- $120 and above, they get a ticket for a draw to win a Nintendo DS and Lego Star Wars game

and the student who earns the most money in the school wins a large Lego set

1. Rd 15 minutes
2. Sp- Unit 5 WP #1-3
3. Acrostic poem good copy
4. Egg w/s


October 7

Today is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. This month, we will be talking about the Rosary and learning about the different mysteries. There will be a quiz on the various mysteries at the end of the month. 

We are over the halfway mark of our pledges!!! Keep them coming so we can make the necessary additions to our growing school! We are so blessed! Those of you who are walking with the class should have received an email already. If you are still planning to walk with us, but did not get an email, please let me know.

Please sign the permission slip for the walk-a-thon and return to the school. 

1. Rd 15 minutes (don't forget the October Reading Challenge!)
2. Sp-unit 5-- WTW #1-5
3. Acrostic name poem rough draft
4. Math-- what's the problem?

Pls sign spelling test book and math quiz.
Marina sheets (TH)


Oct 4

The students went for Confessions and Adoration today. It was really nice to see them take the Sacrament so seriously. The smiles they had when they walked out of the confessional were so joyful! 

Those of you who put in Book Orders for September, the books have arrived and your children will receive them on Monday. THANK YOU for your orders! You earned us new novels for the classroom!

Our class total so far for walk-a-thon is $908. WOW! We are almost halfway to our class goal of $1860. Please go out there and get more pledges this weekend!!! It's our last push! 

I collected the black duotangs so that I can mark the homework (fun times for the weekend!) I know that some of you like to work ahead with the spelling so below is the words and activities for next week. *** PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE CHANGES IN THE CHALLENGES WITH WORDS. I took some activities out***

Unit 5
1.        game
2.        much
3.        lake
4.        trunk
5.        snake
6.        skunk
7.        sing
8.        friend
9.        king
10.        people
11.        same
12.        gave
13.        girlfriend
14.        bakery
15.        spaceship
16.        safety
17.        basement
18.        brave
19.        date
20.        dull
21.        awake
22.        they’re
23.        should
24.        forgot
25.        enough
Bonus: scripture

Write the Words: p.21 #1-5
Word Power: p.23 #1-3
Challenges: p. 24 #1,2,5,6


Oct 2

I know that it has been a busy day for the Cross Country students! Way to go for braving the rain and running! We are so proud of you! I have hot lunch for the students who did not return to the school tucked away in the fridge. We only had 18 students in class today so we had A LOT of free time to work on the following work:

1. Rd 15 minutes
2. Now & Then-- Toys
3. Sp. Unit 4-- Challeges (#1,2,5)
4. Rough draft-- My Family

Star student-- Patrick sheets due Thursday


Happy October!!!


We survived September! Yipee! I love October! I feel like we get a lot done during this month, as the transition to Grade Three should be over. With the cooler and rainy weather, please ensure that your child is ready to go outside for recess. They should always have a sweater or jacket. Please make sure all their articles of clothing is labelled, even non-uniform pieces.

Tomorrow, we will be missing a few of our friends to cross country. The team members have received the work they will need to do for catch up. We will all take attendance and they will be released to leave at 9am. Good luck and we will pray for sunshine!

1. Rd 15 mins
2. Fiction vs NonFic w/s
3. Sp. Unit 4-- W.P. #1-4
4. Math w/s

 PS: Check out Rondriso Farms for all your pumpkin (and produce needs!)