
March 27

Please remember that winter uniform is now finished and GRADE 3 girls are to wear tunics (no pants) from now until summer uniform goes in effect in May. THANKS!


1. Sp Unit 23 due tom & test tom
2. Backpack good copy (no border or colouring!)
3. Math w/s-- quiz tom
4. start student sheet- Wilson

BRING SEEDS in by WED next week! THANKS!


Term Three... the home stretch!

Here we are the home stretch of Grade Three. I keep telling the kids that at this point, their job is to prepare for Grade Four. I am handing over a lot more responsibilities to them, such as filling in their planners properly and coming with completed homework. It might be beneficial to them to earn some more responsibility at home, such as chores or getting snacks for their lunches.

It is our Mass this Friday,  please practice reading with your child if they have a reading part. 

We have begun with multiplication and they should practice their facts for x0, x1, x2 and x5. Our new unit is Socials Studies is mapping and Canadian provinces. In Science, we are starting Plant life and Animal life cycles (concentrating on butterflies in a few weeks).

PLEASE SEND SOME SEEDS (fruits, vegetable, flowers, etc) for our plant unit by WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2nd. They can take them out of the fruits themselves to bring in (i.e. apple seeds, orange seeds, corn kernel-- not popcorn, etc)

1. Sp Unit 23-- due FRI
2. Math w/s
3. Purse & Backpack w/s
4. French

Wilson- Star student sheets- FRI

Parenting Workshop:
Building Resilience our Children
With Dr. Deborah MacNamara
7pm on Tuesday, April 1st in the Parish Center

Humans are some of the most adaptive creatures on the planet with the capacity to overcome adversity and find creative solutions to our problems. While it is within everyone’s capacity to be resilient and resourceful, this potential is not always realized for everyone. Raising resourceful and resilient children has never been more important and the role of tears in this process never more misunderstood. Adults play a key role in cultivating the roots of resilience that have lasting effects on their capacity to endure adversity.
*Babysitting will be provided but space is limited.
Please RSVP to the School or PREP office using the form on the reverse side no later than Friday, March 28th.


March 14

Please read your child's report card with them and share in their success. The term has gone so well and I can't wait to start Term Three with new and fun units! Please return the report card covers upon our return.

SPRING BREAK! WOOHOO! I know this must be a sign of my age but I can't wait to spend time with my family and knit! Enjoy your time together!


March 12

It's been such a bad week for coughs and colds! We have friends that have missed school and we miss them!!! Get well soon!

FRIDAY is Adoration and confession for our class. Please discuss what this means with your child. We will prepare ourselves with the examination of conscience before we go. It is such a great opportunity to help prepare ourselves for Lent!

Recorders are being sent home this week. Please put them in the dishwasher to sanitize them.

Homework has been lighter this week, as we are also "preparing" ourselves for Spring Break!!! The weather has been cooperating :)

1. Sp Unit 22 due Fri
2. Socials (O Canada- 10 images drawn or cut and glued that represent what is Canadian) due Fri (Those who are away and would like to catch up on work, this is a good one to do! Just use a regular sheet plain paper!)
3. M-Art (Shape art)

-Star student- Sebastian due Fri
-Report Cards go home of Fri
-No school next week!


March 5

What a beautiful Mass we had today to celebrate the beginning of Lent. The students each got a bun for lunch and reflected on what it means to fast and go without, even if it was just for one meal.

Light homework nights this week! The students have worked really hard all term and as we wind down this term, a lot of our work is just "wrap up" and beginning of our new units.

1. V.I.P. title page


March 4

Tomorrow is ASH WEDNESDAY, the beginning of Lent. Please refrain from packing treats in your child's lunch, as we are partaking in a poor man's lunch. We will supply the students with buns at lunch. You may supplement with fruits or vegetables. We would appreciate it if you did not pack treats or juice. Mass is at 9am and we would love to see you there. 

We talked today about what we are giving up for Lent (fasting) and what we are doing for others (almsgiving and prayer). Please discuss this with your child so you can support them with their Lenten sacrifice.

Your child is taking home their Socials Test today! I was very happy with the results! Yay you! Please sign and return! If your child needs to take a retest, please keep the original test until Thursday to use to study. Send the original test with your signature on THURSDAY.

Tomorrow is the Apostle's Creed Quiz. It will be fill in the blanks!

1. Lent caterpillar
2. Ramona questions Ch5-6
3. When I was sick... paragraph RD


March 3

March is here! This marks the end of Term Two, as we are winding down our units and preparing for our final term together! WOW! This week, we are NOT doing our regular spelling unit, so there won't be activities due this week. I will be giving a spelling assessment on Friday.

I am very proud of the students! They managed to recite a poem and bible readings in front of the class! CONGRATULATIONS to the following people who are moving on to the Local Speech Arts! 

Bible reading-- Bea, Ezra, Shannon
Poetry-- Alie, Anna, Mitchell

1. NO SPELLING THIS WEEK (Please sign their spelling test books!)

2. Think about a Lenten sacrifice (something to give up and something to do)
3. Comic
4. SS test tomorrow! (continents & oceans!)

Star student- Alie due Fri