
May 27

We are in need of TWO MORE PARENT DRIVERS for TUESDAY. Please email me ASAP if you have your Driver forms and criminal record check done and can accompany us on TUESDAY, MAY 31.The following parents are driving and supervising on our field trip:
Gerard, Bell, Rafter, McKay, Hadson, Erickson, Nichol

We are leaving around 9am so students will line up at the bell as usual. There is no need to come extra early. Please note that according to the province of BC all children under the age of 9 or height of 4’9 (144cm) MUST HAVE A BOOSTER SEAT. We measured those students in class and have written a "B" on top of the letter they are taking home, if they need a booster. For liability and insurance purposes, if you are not driving your own child, please provide a BOOSTER SEAT for the volunteer parent driver. Children under the age or 12 should be seated in the back seats.

Students need to come in FULL UNIFORM and be prepared to be outdoors (sunscreen, hats, or rain gear). Please send a DISPOSABLE LUNCH. There are some shops there and students will be allowed to go in them with their groups. Do not send more than $20, as students are responsible for their own money or belongings. 
No School Monday, May 30

Field Trip Tuesday, May 31

Important June Dates:

June 6- Passion Projects DUE (in class) Criteria for marking will be sent home next week, students are creating their own marking criteria together, as part of the student inquiry. They have been working so hard in class and I am so excited to share this progress with you.

June 9- CELEBRATION OF LEARNING- You are invited to come and see their passion projects, listen to their speeches and view their skits and videos. The celebration will be in the Parish Center at 11am-12:30. 

June 10- Volunteer Appreciation Tea & Talent show

June 17- Fun Day (Details will be sent home next week! Volunteer opportunities will count for next school year!)

End of year field trip to be determined. We are trying to book a swimming party but I'm unsure if they can take all 31 students at once. 

June 29- Report Card & Last Day of School


May 16

Tomorrow we will begin our first in class work time for the different passion project presentations. We will have three weeks of in class work time and that puts us in the second week of June for final presentations. Please ensure that your child has whatever they need from home to make this hour a productive work time. I will have the usual school supplies available (paint, construction paper, etc). A lot of the students need to write speeches and scripts and can use this first time to do their writing. Some students need  to type out their info, we can type and print in class but we cannot save it.

1. Sp Unit 25 (WTW #2-4, WP 2-4, CH # 1,2,4) OR List 6 (THURS)
2. Charlotte's Web Ch 8& 9 Vocab and questions
3. Math w/s


Please read

Please read! I forgot to send this notice home, you can email me if you are wanting to come or wait for the notice. I will send it home Monday.


Dear Families:

Thank you for returning the permission slips for our field trip to Fort Langley. If your child has not handed it in, please do so immediately, as we need to confirm our numbers, along with their $5 fee. We are asking for parent volunteers who are able to drive us on that day. Please indicate on the bottom of this sheet if you are able to come, how many students you can drive and if you have the appropriate forms filed in the office. There is still time to get those forms if you need to.

Please note that according to the province of BC all children under the age of 9 or height of 4’9 MUST HAVE A BOOSTER SEAT. For liability and insurance purposes, if you are not driving your own child, please provide a BOOSTER SEAT for the volunteer parent driver. Children under the age or 12 should be seated in the back seats.

Thank you so much for your help!

Mrs. Fonseca & Miss Losito
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please return this section by TUESDAY, MAY 17
Family name: ______________________________________
   Yes! I would like to come and supervise for the day.
       Criminal record check done and filed in the office

       I can drive students and have _____________ seats

       Volunteer driver form completed and filed in the office


May 12

Hi families! We are almost midway through May! Spring fever has definitely hit Grade Three and boy are the students squirelly!I keep reminding them that while the end is near, we still have quite a bit of work to get through.


This week I have been going through their presentation proposals and the materials that they need to complete them. They are allowed to present their research in any way they want, but it must include information they learned. Any material that is not available at school will have to be brought from home. Also, if they are doing a video, any editing will have to be done at home, as we cannot save them on the Chromebooks.  I will get a date to you for their presentation as soon as we book it so you can come and celebrate their learning with us.

1. Sp test tom.
2. Math pg 151, 152 & 154
3. Travelling seeds q's
4.Charlotte's Web prediction



May 2

Happy May! It's be big push to get a lot of curriculum finished this month, as June goes by in a blink! Here is a run down of the most important things happening this month:

Passion Projects: Students have handed in their rough draft of written work. The next step is different for each student. They need to decide how they are going to present this information. They can type it out and hand in a report, do a poster project, a speech, skit (video taped), gallery, etc...etc.... It is very open ended. I will talk with each student about their choices this week. Next week, they will need to bring materials to work on the project in school. This remains to be an IN-SCHOOL PROJECT. There may be small parts that can be done at home if we don't have the equipment needed at school. FINAL DUE DATE is still TBA but I project first week of June.

French Play: We have been learning the play POULE MABOULE (Chicken Little). We have broken up into groups and each group must present the play to video tape. This week is rehearsal. We will begin taping next Thursday and Friday.

We have a field trip to Fort Langley scheduled for May 31. A permission slip will be sent home this week.

CROWNING OF MARY on WED, please bring ONE flower for Mary.


May 12-- Annual General Meeting in the Parish Center 7PM
May 15-- Uniform fitting (email the company for a specific time)
May 19-- Rodeo themed non-uniform day
May 23-- No school- Victoria Day

1. Province project due tomorrow
2. Math w/s and perimeter art
3. Letter W & B in (Charlotte's Web ABC book)
4. Novel study Ch 2& 3 q's
5. Sp Unit 23 (WTW #1-3, WP #1-3, CH # 1,3,4) or List 5