
Sept 30

What a great first month we have had! The students have settled into our routines and are able to work in class, as well as enjoy each other's company. Please have a look at class Dojo, as I am hoping to be able to upload more of the students' work and share them with you.

Next week is a BUSY week!

Sun, Oct 2: Work Bee at the school

Wed, Oct 5: Cross country CISVA meet for the participants

Thurs, Oct 6: Field trip (At this point, we do not have enough parent drivers. Please let us know if you are able to join us on this day.)

Fri, Oct 7: Fitness-a-thon NOON DISMISSAL
Our class goal is $1800, which works out to $60 per student. Currently we are at $510. Please help us reach our goal so that we can purchase new technology for the school, such as Chromebooks, as well as the much needed upgrades to the classroom windows.

Spelling will be sent home on Monday with new words to sort and study. The test will be moved to the following week, as we do not have time to have it next week.

Mon, Oct 10: Thanksgiving (No School)


Sept 27

A new permission slip was sent home today for our field trip on THURSDAY, OCT 6. Please read the letter carefully.

Fitness-a-thon is on Friday, Oct 7.

Spelling Routines:
Monday- Students are given a list of words, as well as an activity to sort the words into categories. The word sort pieces are kept in the front of their duotangs in an envelope. Also, the test books are returned and corrections need to be done, if any. Please sign the tests to acknowledge you have seen it.

Tuesday or Wednesday- A supplement activity will be given for practice.

Friday- Test

We have started our Science unit on Matter and have talked about the water cycle.
The students have learned the following vocab words with relation to water (ask them about it!)
- evaporation
- condensation
- precipitation


Sept 23

Thank you for all the quick responses regarding our field trip. Unfortunately, we have to change the date due to some conflicts. We will let you know of the new date on Monday and a new field trip notice will be sent home.

I will be sending home their spelling tests to be signed on Monday. A new list will be sent home at the start of every week. I will not be sending home the Math quizzes for Grade Three this week, as the assessment shows me that we need to work more on number patterns. We will have a re-test next Friday.

Have a great weekend!


Sept 20

I am blogging today's planner as we didn't have time to write in it after our Terry Fox walk.

1. I am (three sentences)/ I can (three sentences)
    (colouring is NOT for homework)
2. Math- gr 2 pg. 14-16
               gr 3 worksheet
3. Spelling worksheet

Tomorrow is non-uniform day (fall colours)
Cross country team is expected to be at school in the morning and will leave the school at 11am.
Please ensure your child brings a booster seat if someone else is driving them!


Sept 19

The students were grouped into their spelling groups today. We have three groups right now and they are all working on long a and short a sounds. The activity today was to sort their words. Tomorrow it will be to print their words in different colours using their markers. A third activity will be assigned on Wednesday. Thursdays will be for studying the words and Fridays are test days.

Tomorrow is the Terry Fox walk and we are asking that students bring a toonie as a donation.

Wednesday is non-uniform day-- Fall colours. Those participating in the cross country meet will have to wear their gym strip.



What a great start to our new school year! It was great to see so many families at the Back to School BBQ last night. For those of you who were unable to attend, I do have a handout package that I will send with your child on Monday. I apologize, as I forgot to send them home today.

We welcome three new students (and families!) to our school in our class: Cole, Isabel & Irene!

A few important dates this month:
19: Picture Day
21: Terry Fox Walk & Non-uniform day

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Have a great weekend!