
April 18

We started our I'm a Gift From God program last week. Please ensure that if the workbook is brought home, you take the time to review the concepts and lessons at home. This is a K-3 program so this year is just a review of all the concepts they learned in the past. 

There are two spelling groups in the class. One group is continuing work on the Canadian Speller and the other group is working on challenge words and activities. Students who consistently complete the activities and get very good scores on the weekly tests will be moved into the challengers group.

In math, we started multiplying double digit by single digit. It is really important that they continue to practice their multiplication math facts for speed and accuracy.

1. SP Unit 22 or List 4 (Thurs)
2. Rel- gift
3. Math w/s
4. NS- Ch 14 & 15 (Wed)
5. Sp Test book signed

SP activities for Unit 22
WTW #1-4
WP # 1,2
CH #2-4


April 6

A full week! Wow! It's been a great week of getting back to routine, finally. Third term is always my favourite because the expectations are old hat and the students are more ready to learn.

A few important dates to remember:

April 13- non uniform day (Inside Out emotion colours)
April 15- Stations of the Cross test
April 22- Provinces/Territories and capitals test

1. Sp Unit 20 (WTW, WP & CH #1-3) / Challengers List 2
2. Math w/s
3. How To Rough Draft
4. Novel Study Ch 11 q's

Book orders due April 13